The Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner (OPOC) has been established within the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat to provide dedicated professional support to the Commissioner.
OPOC’s responsibilities includes:
- Provide direct support and assistance to the Pacific Ocean Commissioner to fulfil advocacy role and responsibilities in relevant regional and international fora.
- Develop, in coordination with relevant CROP agencies , key messages and promote regional ocean policy and regional ocean interests – regionally and internationally.
- Prepare briefs and advice on cross and multi-sectoral ocean issues and integrated regional ocean governance issues.
- Administer and facilitate/coordinate the Pacific Ocean Alliance (POA).
- Coordinate with CROP Executives and other development partners, and provide support as required and appropriate, to achieve FPO aims and PIROP priorities.
- Engage with civil society networks and the private sector, and provide support as required and appropriate, to achieve FPO aims and objectives.
- Coordinate reporting (including M&E) on implementation of the Framework for a Pacific Oceanscape, ensuring links and alignment to the Pacific Regional Roadmap for Sustainable Development .
- Support national ocean governance and policy processes and commitments consistent with the FPO, when required/ requested.
- Maintain a register of Pacific Ocean initiatives and projects, to monitor progress and address gaps (refer 2014 PIF Palau Declaration).
- Develop and implement a communication strategy for the FPO.
- Support countries, including Pacific Permanent Missions to the United Nations, with coordinated advice on cross-sectoral ocean issues, such as biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction and marine spatial planning.
- Support regional preparatory processes to review and develop ocean policy, identify emerging issues and report progress under SDG14, as lead into the triennial UN Ocean Conference.